
A Month of Summer By Lisa Wingate [Audiobook]

Publisher's Summary

Lisa Wingate has been favorably compared to authors Nicholas Sparks and Richard Paul Evans.In A Month of Summer, Hanna Beth has been caring for her aging husband - who suffers from Alzheimer's - and her developmentally challenged adult son for years on her own. But when she suffers a stroke, estranged stepdaughter Rebecca must take the reins. As she cares for her father and the step-brother she's barely met, Rebecca slowly begins to heal both herself and her family.
Duration: 13 hours 33 minutes 1 second
BitRate: 95 kbps
File Format: .Mp3
File Size: 780.5 MB
Download: https://bittfox.com/3qw/Lisa_Wingate-A_Month_of_Summer.mp3

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